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Wat doe je als je… ik weet het niet… als je alleen nog maar wilt slapen? Als je het gevoel hebt dat je door iedereen wordt aangestaard vol medelijden? En dan niet het zielige soort medelijden maar het denigrerende soort. Dat je ze elke keer weer betrapt met die blik in hun ogen dat ze je scannen en vervolgens toch maar beslu...

The hidden years in Canada 65, the understanding

The understanding. Bev and Don were pressed against each other in the front seat, Richard stepped back in and I lowered myself behind the steering wheel and sent the colossus away from the parking spot. The chromed knob was our flight away from a terrible world, and I turned it resolutely on, there was no one that felt like talk...

The hidden years in Canada 52, rime of the ancient mariner

Rime of the Ancient mariner Here comes the sun, came out of the dashboard and the harpsichord framing made it almost into something baroque. ‘Hey there it really comes’ I said, and we saw the rising sun himself working his way up beyond the horizons of foothills, that would be called mountains elsewhere in the world. Calgary...

The hidden years in Canada 35, Suzanne

Suzanne ‘Right men,’ said Pop, ‘you could find the way back?’ ‘We always can,’ I replied, ‘there's only one pop.’ ‘What can I do for the gentlemen,’ he laughed. ‘I myself am quite hungry,’ I said, ‘Bev and Don are coming, but we could do with a good breakfast.’ ‘In the evening,’ chuckled the old m...

The hidden years in Canada 26, the wreath

The wreath We were taken aback and nobody spoke about what happened and it surprised us that we saw in the afternoon Kurt steps from the cage. He had a somber-looking man with him, they walked around, but remained far from the edge of the road work. Kurt had a safety helmet on, which wasquite ridiculous, there was nothing above ...

The hidden years in Canada 5, George the pigpen

George the pigpen We drove south-east of 44th Avenue and followed the direction of the industrial area. We were early but there were already a couple of parked cars. The gate was locked and the three big shiny trucks that had been hosed down were shining in the early light. Two were brand new and bright red and one was a tatty o...