Getagd als "grinding"

Wat is grinden en grinding?

Wat betekenen de termen grinding en grinden? Het Engelse begrip 'grinding' heeft meerdere betekenissen, het ligt er maar net aan i...

The hidden years 135, the blizzard

The blizzard In slow, very slow motion, we glided without friction to the side of the path and pushed into the embankment and then sideways off. I expected us to tip over but I just suddenly hit my head against the side of the steel cabin, when we were standing still with a jolt. That coming to a stand still was accompanied by a...

The hidden years in Canada 111, the love-in

The love in Debbie sat beside me on the bench of the big American. The exhaust pounded us forward with deep V8 growling sounds. She looked glamorous. Probably she had been on the lookout, because she was at the door of the building before I could stop the engine of the Pontiac. She was already sitting beside me before I had a ch...

The hidden years in Canada 100, gold

Gold These were the last hours of the afternoon, Sunday had expired quietly, without major incidents, we had enjoyed beautiful weather and not heard strange noises. Nor seen footprints. The sun makes fear and panic and anxiety fade away , as if we had walked from the forest into another world. ‘Would trapper Joe's horses perha...

The hidden years in Canada 72, the Cree

‘That was a pretty girl,’ Rico was and I said, 'you really did a good 'Don'. You said exactly the wrong thing at the right time. ‘ ‘I would like to be Blackfoot,’ Rico added. ‘You live in nature and what do you really need?’ ‘You do not need much, I said, but you should not idealize it. It does not matter if we w...

The Canadian years, 49, news

The help At the table my father’s mood improved and he ate, as always, with pleasure. Not that he would admit that my sister had cooked well, lest that, but you could tell by his appetite. My dad really ate a lot. When we went to a Chinese restaurant, he invariably took two meals and worked them away with ease. He was brought ...