
Getagd als "runner"

Amerikaanse cultfilm: Blade Runner

Eén van mijn favoriete scifi-films is en blijft toch wel Blade Runner. De film stamt al uit 1982. Toch heeft de rolprent nog niet...

The hidden years in Canada 172, death calling

Death calling It was dimly lit in the pub and at the end of the long bar something was positioned a little bit away from it. There was a candle burning next to it. 'What the f. . ' Bill said, then held his mouth and made the sign of the cross. Beardy came over, ‘so big mother, hi Arctic,’ he greeted us. ‘Have you come to s...

Vragenlijst en kennismaking met Robin93

Cool, dit originele idee van Candice! Aangenaam kennis te maken. Een leuke manier om wat meer over jezelf vertellen aan de hand va...

The hidden years in Canada 58, wild cow milking

Wild cow milking competition After some strolling around a bit and discussing the blessings of throwing a horseshoe iron, it was almost time for the wild cow milking. ‘What do you like about it,’ I asked Beverly? ‘It's so macho,’ she said, ‘have you never seen it?’ I had to admit that I had never felt called to go to...

The hidden years in Canada 18, horse racing

The horses Calgary had a long history of horse racing. A tradition that went back to 1884 when the first race took place between McLaughlin against Tom Parson. The prize was, for that time, the huge amount of $ 200. It would take another three years before in 1887, horse racing officially would be held each week for the general ...

En toen kwam zij...

Hij kon het zich nog zó voor de geest halen. Het was weliswaar al zo'n dertig jaar geleden, maar wat had hij een wereldtijd gehad...